Adapto Translations specializes in document translation. Interpretation and language consultation services are also offered.
Adapto Translations

Adapto Translations provides translations of virtually all types of documents, with a primary emphasis on technical translation and interpreting. Regardless of the subject, it is always worth inquiring. A broad network of contacts enables the company to take care of your language needs even when the subject matter is not among its specializations.

Principal clients include industrial and commercial businesses and translation agencies in Finland and elsewhere. Ilkka Koivisto, owner of the company and himself a translator, has a Master of Science degree in Engineering and a versatile knowledge of languages. Grounded on substantial translation experience combined with solid educational credentials, Adapto Translations has operated as a registered proprietorship since 1999.

Adapto Translations complies with the General Terms of Contract for Translations as published by the Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters.

Translation – interpreting – language consultation


All translations are based on a solid understanding of the languages and subjects involved.

Jobs are priced individually. Factors which affect the price include length and degree of difficulty of the text, client's provision of earlier support materials, and delivery time. Various pricing methods can be used: number of standard pages in either source or target language (standard page defined as 1560 characters with spaces), number of lines in source or target (line defined as 60 characters with spaces) or source or target word count.

Hourly fees apply to image processing (such as translation of text within images) and desktop publishing.

Contact us! Request a quote for your project.

Into Finnish:

German → Finnish
Swedish → Finnish
English → Finnish
Italian → Finnish

From Finnish:

Finnish → German
User manuals – operating instructions – maintenance manuals – product specifications – brochures – customer and employee newsletters – training materials – contracts and agreements


German–Finnish–: Dependable interpreting for situations such as product installation, conferences, or hosting visitors, as well as for travel to German-language areas.
Italian–Finnish–Italian: Agreed upon on a case by case basis.
Swedish–Finnish–Swedish, English–Finnish–English: As needed.

Pricing by day or hour. Larger engagements such as trips are negotiated separately.

Language consultation

Verification of style, grammar and terminology. Available only for Finnish. Hourly fee.

Areas of specialization

Automotive technology
Non-road mobile machinery
Printing and graphic arts technology
Wood- and metalworking

Computer programs

MS Office Professional 2011/2015
Adobe FrameMaker 7.0
Adobe PageMaker 7.0
CorelDRAW X4
Wordfast Classic and Pro
Trados Studio 2019
Adapto Translations
Mr. Ilkka Koivisto
Vasamakatu 9 C
FI-15100 LAHTI
+358 40 5300 525
info (ät) adapto.fi
Business ID FI15663907